Man accused of secretly filming females in toilets at pool and pub


A Dunfermline man has appeared in court accused of filming females using toilets in a sports centre and a pub. 

The alleged incidents occurred at the Carnegie swimming complex and at Wetherspoon’s bar. 

Darren Murray (34), appeared on petition at Dunfermline Sheriff Court today facing charges of voyeurism. 

It is alleged that on 18th March at Wetherspoon’s bar, High Street, Dunfermline, he entered the female toilets, concealed himself in a cubicle, looked into the adjacent cubicle to observe a woman using the toilet and made a recording on a tablet computer. 

It is also alleged that between 22nd and 23rd March at the Fife Sports and Leisure Trust, Pilmuir Street, he entered a cubicle in the female toilets, looked into an adjacent cubicle and repeatedly observed females using the toilet and made recordings on a tablet. 

Murray made no plea and was committed for further examination. Bail was granted.


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