Waiter jailed over “stolen car” scam after crash


A Fife motorist, who crashed his car then made up a false story about it being stolen, has been jailed. 

Mostafizur Rahman told a pack of lies after driving his car into an embankment. 

He also tried to involve others in his cover-up but the attempted deception soon came to light when police investigated the incident. 

Rahman, a 40-year-old waiter, of Fod Street, Halbeath, appeared at Dunfermline Sheriff Court for sentencing. 

He previously admitted that on 14th April he falsely told police officers that his car had been stolen when the truth was he been involved in a road accident on the B974 Clattern Brig to Fettercairn Road, near Dundee, causing the police to devote their time and services to false claims at public expense. 

He also admitted he failed to give information to police about the driver involved in an incident on the B974. 

Depute fiscal Dev Kapadia said at 8.33am police received a call from a male saying a vehicle had gone off a road into an embankment in Tayside. 

At 8.38am Rahman had called the police to say his car had been stolen from outside his home. 

At 10.45am officers attended his house. Shortly afterwards police were told by the mother of Rahman’s ex-partner that the car had not been at the house the night before as Rahman had claimed. 

Officers became suspicious when he asked if he would receive any money as a result of his car being stolen. 

Rahman’s ex-partner showed officers a text she had received from him saying, “Phone your mum and say if the police call, don’t tell them I’m working in Aberdeen.” 

He also told his former partner that he had lost his job in Aberdeen, had been in an accident and had thrown his car key away. 

Defence solicitor Sarah Meehan said, “He accepts the offences are serious. His only explanation is that he panicked following the collision because of the fear of losing his licence.” 

Sheriff James MacDonald said Rahman had wasted police time and tried to involve others, all for his “own selfish benefit”. 

He told Rahman he was fortunate he was not facing more serious offences and described his actions as “an affront to justice”. 

He jailed Rahman for four months and imposed six penalty points on his driving licence.

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