Jailed for spitting on shop worker in take-away row
A Dunfermline man, angry at being called ‘mad’ in a Chinese hot food take-away, spat on a woman working there.
The comment was not appreciated and led to a flare-up, resulting in a jail sentence for Ian Bowie.
Bowie (58), of Izatt Avenue, appeared from custody at Dunfermline Sheriff Court.
He previously admitted that on 27th July at the Wan Lam Chinese take-away, Baldridgeburn, Dunfermline, he assaulted a woman by spitting on her face and that he committed this offence having been granted bail on 19th July.
Depute fiscal Carrie Stevens said, “At 10.30pm the accused entered when the complainer was working there. Once inside he spat in the complainer’s face.”
Defence solicitor Gordon Martin said his client had not been drinking before committing the offence as he had just finished work.
“He had been dropped off and went to buy food. The complainer was working and her partner was also there.
“When he went in, the partner made a comment, ‘Don’t worry it’s only Mad Bowzer’.”
This had sparked an argument then a physical confrontation. “The complainer became involved and that’s when he spits at her,” added the solicitor.
“It’s inexcusable behaviour but that’s how it happened. Someone insults him and he becomes involved in an argument of a physical nature.”
Sheriff Craig McSherry told Bowie, “I’ve been told you were quite sober when you spat directly on this woman’s face.” He jailed him for eight months.