Lorry driver didn’t stop after causing horrific head-on crash


A lorry driver caused head-on collision between two cars then continued on his way to deliver to Amazon. 

James Davidson’s lorry struck a Mini send into across into the opposing carriageway and the driver sustained severe injuries in the crash near the Forth Road Bridge in Fife. 

However, as two doctors stopped to help the driver, Davidson carried on his journey. 

He claimed that from his “elevated” position behind the wheel he had not seen the Mini being propelled across in front of him. 

Davidson, 48, of Woodside Street, Chapelhall, Airdrie, escaped a driving ban when he appeared in the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court. 

He admitted that on 16th September 2016 on the Forth Road Bridge and the M90 northbound at Ferrytoll he drove a lorry without care and attention by driving excessively close to a car being driven by Craig Darling, colliding with it and causing the car to veer into the opposing carriageway and collide with an on-coming vehicle. 

Depute fiscal Dev Kapadia said, “At this time there were considerable roadworks around the bridge and a 40mph limit was in place. 

“The incident was seen by the driver of a vehicle in front of the lorry and the Mini which was struck. 

“It would appear that the near side of lorry was in very close proximity with the car and then a collision took place. 

“The Mini was then broadsided in front of the lorry and propelled across the carriageway into on-coming traffic. 

“It was struck by an on-coming vehicle and Mr Darling’s car sustained considerable damage. He suffered very serious, life-changing injuries and was in hospital for several weeks. 

“It was fortunate that there were two doctors whose journeys were halted by the accident and they were able to treat Mr Darling until the emergency services arrived. 

“His injuries included fractured ribs, his stomach was filling with fluid, there was blood in the bladder wall, he suffered a major haemorrhage, there was a puncture of a lung and a laceration to his liver. 

“The accused carried on driving to Amazon and was followed by a driver who saw the incident.” 

The details of Davidson’s vehicle were reported to the police and he was traced. He told officers he was not aware of the accident or of striking any vehicle. 

Defence solicitor Fraser McKinnon said, “That remains his position that he was unaware of the collision.” 

He said his client had driven for 31 years without previous offending and remains in employment as a driver.  

“He was in an elevated position when driving and the Mini was in his blind spot. The Crown accepts there was minimal initial contact and no excessive speed involved,” added the solicitor. 

Sheriff Craig McSherry said that by law in cases of careless driving, as opposed to dangerous driving, he could not take into account the “resulting damage and injury caused”. 

He fined Davidson £1000 and imposed nine penalty points on his licence.

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