Four assaulted in Fife hotel disturbance


An Edinburgh woman assaulted four people during a visit to a Fife hotel.

Trouble broke out at the Ferrybridge Hotel in North Queensferry and those assaulted included a staff member who was dragged to the ground by the hair.

In the dock at Dunfermline Sheriff Court was Linda Dallas (49), of Gilmerton Dykes Gardens, Edinburgh, who admitted the assaults.

On 6th May at the hotel in Main Street, she assaulted a man by seizing hold of him by the arm and spitting on his face.

She also assaulted a female hotel employee by seizing her by the hair and pulling her to the ground by the hair, all to her injury.

She further assaulted two police constables by spitting at them.

Sheriff Derek Reekie said, “These appear to have been three separate incidents of quite nasty behaviour.”

Calling for reports the sheriff told Dallas, “You’ve admitted offences which seem to me to be particularly unpleasant.”

Dallas will return to court to be sentenced on 4th October.

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