A drunk motorist crashed three times as he drove through Dunfermline when more than four times over the limit.

Piotr Dubas, from Dunfermline, continued on his way following the first two collisions in the early hours of the morning.

Dubas, 46, of Eden Road, appeared for sentencing at Dunfermline Sheriff Court with a Polish translator.

He admitted that on 19th October, at Blacklaw Road, Hospital Hill and Queensferry Road, Dunfermline, he failed to stop following collisions with a vehicle, a railing and a lamp post.

He also admitted he drove a car with excess alcohol. His reading was 96 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, the limit being 22 microgrammes.

He also drove without insurance.

Depute fiscal Catherine Stevenson told the court the first crash occurred at around 1am in Blacklaw Road when Dubas struck a car but continued driving.

He then struck a railing in Hospital Hill and a passenger got out of the car.

Dubas continued on his way and witnesses then heard a “very loud bang” as he hit a lamp-post.

Defence solicitor Aime Allan said her client lives alone, is a father-of-two and a self-employed joiner

Sheriff Krista Johnston told Dubas he had “shown a reckless disregard for the public and it’s my responsibility to protect them”.

She fined Dubas £210 and put him on a community payback order with 100 hours of unpaid work.

He was given a 16-month ban but if he completes the drink-drivers rehabilitation course this will be reduced to a year, the minimum period for the offence.

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